
Welcome to We are a website providing all prices, price lists and menus of your favorite fast food restaurants in the UK. Our goal is to provide the most recent price lists of the major fast food chains in the UK. On this website you’ll find the Burger King Price List, McDonalds prices, KFC menu prices UK and much more price lists.

Unfortunately less and less fast food restaurants publish the price lists on their website. Maybe they list some of the cheaper items but mostly the client needs to visit the store to verify the menu price lists. Please inform us in case any of the published prices differ from the actual price.

We’ve done another major update on our site. We’ve added new prices. Updates old prices. We’ve added new articles and we hope you like it! If you have any questions or remarks, please don’t hesitate te leave a comment. We’ll try to respond as soon as possible.

We’ve made new 2018 updates to the website. We’re going to the a trip through the UK to gather new prices and photos from the menu sheets displayed in the restaurants.

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  • I am not impressed that you have stopped popcorn variety bucket and replaced it with hot wings. My grandchildren do not like hot wings they like the popcorn chicken and to buy it all separately costs a lot more

    • I agree with the popcorn variety bucket as i share it with myself and also do not like the hot wings. I am very disappointed with this change and i will now be buying my chicken elsewhere.

  • Does KFC stand for Kentucky Fried Crap in the 21st century? Because that is certainly what is served up local to me near Heathrow. Greasy, not properly cooked and abysmal service similar to an Asian convenience store.

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